Tricia Swift: SUPERSTAR!

The Lovely Tricia Swift, co-founder of Tangram, was honored this past Saturday at the Katonah Museum of Art Fundraiser. The theme was Kaleidoscope, which was beautifully decorated, colorful and psychedelic. Colorful dresses and ties were worn, pretty and springy drinks were passed, and shoes were thrown off when DJ Ray started to bump the tunes. Bruno Mars, Daft Punk, Beyoncé and yes, Rick James, oh yea, it went there!

The best part of the evening was when Tricia and Leslie Needham, best friend of Tricia and co-honoree,​ were honored for their tireless and generous work in bettering the community. Tangram has been blessed with the opportunity to work on different parties for a number of organizations that Tricia donated her time and Tangram time as well. As the experienced event company, Tricia could have just donated our time, and it would have been handled. But Tricia is incredible dedicated and focused on these events, she puts her heart into it and stays involved all the way through. It really is truly rewarding work, we were always good at throwing a fun party, but for a good cause? Now that is killing two awesome birds with one charitable stone. 

Team Tangram would like to say congratulations to our wonderful boss, Tricia, and our dear friend Leslie! You two ladies are inspirations to us all, through your commitment, generosity, and incredible dance moves. True beauties, inside and out!​

​Side Note: Westchester County has named April 27th Tricia Swift and Leslie Needham day. So save the date, and get ready, because the celebration is going to be out of this world!